IPA chart for English

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This chart shows concisely the most common way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is applied to represent the English language.

See International Phonetic Alphabet for English for a more complete version and Pronunciation respelling for English for phonetic transcriptions used in different dictionaries.

IPA: English Consonants
IPA Examples
p pen, spin, tip
b but, web
t two, sting, bet
d do, odd
chair, nature, teach
gin, joy, edge
k cat, kill, skin, queen, thick
ɡ go, get, beg
f fool, enough, leaf
v voice, have
θ thing, teeth
ð this, breathe, father
s see, city, pass
z zoo, rose
ʃ she, sure, emotion, leash
ʒ pleasure, beige
h ham
m man, ham
n no, tin
ŋ singer, ring
l left, bell
ɹ run, very
w we
j yes
ʍ what
IPA: English Vowels
IPA Examples
ɑː ɑ father
ɪ ɪ ɪ sit
ɪ i i city
i see
ɛ ɛ e bed
ɜː ɝ ɜː bird
æ æ æ lad, cat, ran
ɑː ɑɹ arm
ʌ ʌ a run, enough
ɒ ɑ ɔ not, wasp
ɔː ɔ law, caught
ʊ ʊ ʊ put, wood
u ʉː soon, through
ə ə ə about
ə ɚ ə winner
IPA: English Diphthongs
IPA Examples
æɪ day, pain
ɑe my, wise
ɔɪ ɔɪ boy
əʊ əʉ no, tow
æɔ now
ɪə ɪɹ ɪə near, here
ɛə ɛɹ h'air, there"
ʊə ʊɹ ʊə tour
juː ju jʉː pupil

IPA Examples
x Scottish loch
ʔ uh-(ʔ)oh

IPA: Other symbols used in transcription of English pronunciation
IPA Explanation
ˈ Primary stress (placed before the stressed syllable), for example rapping /ˈɹæpɪŋ/
ˌ Secondary stress, for example battleship /ˈbætl̩ˌʃɪp/
. Syllable separator, for example plankton /ˈplæŋk.tən/
 ̩ Syllabic consonant, for example ridden /ˈɹɪdn̩/

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