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Welcome to the WHEELS OF ITALY Information Site

This site is to help answer questions and provide research information for you about Italy, Italian Cars, Bikes, Motorcycles and more!

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You can also find what you are looking simply by using the search option on the left in the navigation. (For example, search for "Ferrari").

This site is being updated daily to help you learn everything about Italia with wheels, and without.

CLICK HERE to Visit the Offical WHEELS OF ITALY web site

Want more HP out of your car? How about custom stereo, rims, paint and much more done to your car!? Does Orange County Customs ring a bell? Lycan MotorWorks with years of experience working on exceptional rides and turn your street stalk car into a personalized gem. (these are only some of the things we've can turn your winter SUV into a dream come true)

Here are some examples:
Ferrari stock: HP 395 with Lycan Boost: up to 745 HP

Pantera stock: 15" rims with Lycan Bling: up to 20" rims

Maserati GT stock: well, stock with Lycan MakeOver: over 100 HP and Grand Sport look
