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Desmodromico Motor Source

Desmodromico The word derives from the Greek words "desmos" and "dromos" which respectively mean "force, force and stroke path". Engineering is used to name the mechanisms that have both a command to activate them in a sense is a command to activate the other.

Usually with the word "desmodromico" means a device for the recall of avoiding the traditional valve springs. Those are not used to retrieve the valve but to maintain contact between the "balance of recall" and other organs. In the past there had been a huge interest around this principle and applications are to be remembered in the Formula 1 cars and other series. Vibration and other characteristics have led to abandon this road for many manufacturers. Currently it is a peculiarity of the Ducati which only makes its own motion because of using this solution.

The completion of the distribution desmodromica requires a special mechanism for the recall of the valves comprises a cam further (the negative of the cam drive) and a rocker that recalls the valve.